Are you ready for Rapture?

Matthew 24: 36- 44

36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”

It is evident from the word of God that no man knows the time or hour when rapture would occur. The Bible makes us to believe this would happen like a thief in the night, not even the angels nor the son of God knows when but only the Father. I ask again, are you ready for rapture?

We should live daily like it’s our last, we should live a life aligned to Gods purpose for us, and our focus should be on the assignment that the Lord has given us, because this is what we will be judged on. Many of us are chasing material things, and setting that as our priority in the hope of amassing more wealth/riches, however one of the things which is still unknown to man is the exact moment when their time on earth will be up.

Our focus should be to prepare ourselves for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like the parable of the 10 Virgins in the Bible (Matt: 25: 1- 13). Five of the virgins were wise and they were prepared with extra oil, but the foolish virgins in the process of going out to get more oil, missed the coming of the bridegroom. The time you have now should be used to examine your life and draw nearer to God, repent from all your sins and fully commit your life to God.

In conclusion nobody knows when rapture will occur; after death it’s judgement. In preparing for rapture, you need to make sure nothing should be too difficult for you to let go in order to make Heaven. The Bible makes us to understand that it is better to cut off parts of your body and make Heaven, than to go to Hell with all your limbs. I encourage you to continue into this New Year by putting the Holy Spirit first, and preparing our hearts and mind so ensure we are ready for rapture, and if we were to leave before rapture, we will reign in Heaven with our Lord!

God bless you


  1. The hard truth that is rarely talked about anymore, particularly during this pandemic period.. thanks for sharing, God bless you🙏

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